
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back at work...

Well I'm officially rehired and on the roster. It's weird up there because it's all pretty much the same except I dont know anyone anymore! But I do know the manager, the barman (of course) and one of the chefs still so all the bases are covered. Oh and the uniform is a little weird, kind of like a chef's jacket with a weird belty thing at the back.
So last night there were two weddings, one for 70 people and one for about 200-ish people which I did and I was kind of the float (ie just do everything where needed) and the manager was kind of like 'just do what you like', felt like I needed a bit more direction than that! :blink: BTW in case anyone is interested... the theme appeared to be mint green and brown with singpore orchids and it was absolutely gorgeous but the flowers alone must have cost the a fortune with about 12-15 sprays of orchids per table, christ! very pretty tho!
They had anstipasto, starter, entree, main, dessert, petit fours... I'm only telling you this because my arm strength lasted through to taking out the entrees and then my muscles (or lack thereof!) died completely! OMG! This is the girl who used to be able to match the boys clearing plates and I was struggling to take HALF of what I used to, all I can say is OWWWW...
From 11:30pm-2:30am I polished cutlery which was ok because my arms weren't going to hold out any longer. My back was aching like crazy and I was doing my impersonation of a flamingo; standing on one foot until it hurt too much and then swapping to the other, if anyone was watching me they'd have thought I was mad :rolleyes: I finished at 2:45am :wacko: and my gorgeous husband gave me a lift home, gotta love him! Got to bed at 4:30am...welcome back to banquets! Erggg....
Surprisingly, not as tired and sore today as I might have expected which is good cos it can only improve from here. Hoping that in a couple of weeks I'll be able to carry a reasonable amount of plates (it's verging on embarrassing how little strength I have now).
So that's my looong update. Thank you for reading :P

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