
Monday, June 15, 2009

Time flies when you're doing nothing

So, not a whole lot happening. Work is so slow at the moment so I find myself sitting around the house watching terrible daytime television and thinking of all the other things I could be doing.
Well, I do some work, all in the night time hours. I'm such a night-owl I find I never seem to get going until the sun has gone down. I have been sewing quite a lot. I have made good progress on the queen quilt for our bed and finished the top-patchwork section of a baby-floor quilt I'm making on a whim. Soon, I'll need to make a couple more baby-quilts as there are several due within the next 6 months. Unfortunately it's likely I'll miss the birth of all of them and won't get to meet these children until they are a several months old, but I suppose you can't put off your own life for the sake of other people.
Want to know how the Laos Girl painting is going?
Well, I'm about 80% happy with it, needs quite literally a few more dabs of paint about her nose and skirt and then I'll be done I think. It doesn't 'pop' quite like I wanted, and actually it took quite a different, more subdued turn, than I had envisaged but still, quite impressed with myself really :)

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