
Saturday, July 17, 2010


That's what I am, hopeless at this blogging thing!

What's news? Well, the Small Person (SP) arrived on the 24th of February and one of the first things I learnt was that when you have a baby, your world really does revolve around them. Intellectually, I knew this, but the reality was even more than I realised. SP is my delight, my small, rolling, squeaking, never-sleeping-for-over-30-minutes-during-the-day delight. She has become the centre of my universe, but such a nice squidgy centre she is. Almost 5 months already, I can hardly believe it (my ears, however, tell me she is most definitely here and getting louder by the day!)

D and I have also bought our first house. A little 1950's asbestos cottage painted entirely white inside. It's my blank canvas, as is the yard. There are no trees on our land, not one! Needless to say, my mind is filled with grand plans for the yard, a fruit-tree filled wonderland with apricots, mulberries, blood plums and figs, with an understory of roses, correas, daisies and thyme. What to do with the inside of the house is a bit more of a mystery.

Anyway, I will attempt this blogging thing again, and hope to write a little bit more frequently than every 5 months. Wish me luck!

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