
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Rug WIP continues...

Just a little update tonight on the progress of the knitted cot-rug. I have completed five lovely colourful whole rows, only another, oh, 20 or so to go. You see, the size of each row is random and determined by my feelings about the project at the exact time I cast-on each new row. Do I feel like taking it slowly and making my 'squares' nice and wide? Or do I want to whip through colours with abandon? Therefore I know I have done about 1/5 of the total rug, but not how many rows I have left to knit. It's making knitting mysterious...
SP likes to 'help' me, looping the wool through her hands and around her shoulders, or upending the bag with all the wool skeins and distributing them around the room. She gets most upset when I won't let her run away with the needles (and half completed rows) because I don't want her to skewer herself with them. Ah, toddlers!
I have set a date for completion of the rug now, too. I'm hoping I will be all finished in time for winter.

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