
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Late autumn garden

This morning, at 9am, it was already as dark as dusk. The wind had whipped and wailed around the garden all night, and it was very wet and squally. A whole tree has fallen down over the road about two houses down from us; we saw it in chain-sawed pieces this morning, roped off with plastic safety tape. The garden was best admired through the big glass sliding doors, sitting in front of the heater, with cup of tea in hand. Luckily for us, I got out there the other day and took a few Autumn happy snaps. There is so much going on, loads of colour, but it's easy to miss when you'd rather be curled up inside in the warm.

There are the inevitable and irresistable Autumn leaves on the trees;

There are flourescent orange berries;

The magnolia fruits are splitting open, revealing cherry red and glossy seeds inside.

The hydrangeas are fading, their veins showing like spider's webs.

The feijoas are swelling and I think we'll be eating them soon. There are loads this year!;

There are thyme flowers, miniature roses, pelagoniums, and snowbells;

and SP is particularly taken with the glorious Tibouchina, sitting on the grass amid it's scattered royal purple petals and the leaves dropped from the ornamental pears above.


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