
Thursday, June 2, 2011

A list of good things from yesterday and today (to keep my spirits up as the wind picks up outside and the rain moves towards us from the west)
  • Pruning 7 out of the 24 roses (then I ran out of room in the green bin, so the rest will wait for another week or two until it's emptied)
  • Finding The life and times of Michael K, by JM Coetzee, for sale in my local second-hand bookshop, AND Claudius as God, by Robert Graves. Not one, but two books off my hit list! I like giving unwanted books a second chance, funny smells and browned pages and all (fellow gardeners, I recommend you seek out Life and times of Michael K, it is a good book on many levels, but for me as a gardener it was particularly special and I couldn't get it out of my head for months after reading it).
  • Mid-season clearance sales allowing me to buy jeans reduced from exorbitantly expensive, to reasonably priced (my first new jeans since before being pregnant with SP over two years ago! Now that's frugal...)
  • Watching the ducks and eating fruit salad with SP.
  • Camellias blooming bright and early
  • A zonked SP
  • And lastly, finding the camera battery charger, after it's been missing for weeks and I have used up all three spare batteries completely, so next post's photos may be of better quality than those from my phone!

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