
Monday, June 20, 2011

My good news

If you're a regular reader, you might have noticed a hint a couple of weeks ago that I had some good news. Well, now I'm in a position to tell you what it is.
I have a new job!
I'm don't believe in fate, or at least I don't think I do. I think when you see what you want you need to go out and get it.
The story goes like this: Back at the end of May I was at work at the Big Hotel on a Saturday night (actually, a Sunday morning.) It was 2:30am, or thereabouts, and we were packing up. I was tired and grumpy, and like a flash I thought, what am I doing? WHAT am I doing here? I've been working as a waitress for over ten years now, and I think that's long enough, considering the waitressing was only ever supposed to be a temporary gig so I could 'get overseas.' So, that Sunday I thought I should update my resume, and while I was there I thought I should have a little look online to see what was around. And there it was. My job. And I knew it was mine the minute I saw it, 'sales and nursery assistant' at a well known, long established Australian native plant nursery. My heart nearly stopped when I saw that the date for applications had closed the Friday before. Oh no! But, it was time to behave like an adult. So I rang the nursery on Monday morning to ask if I could put in an application anyway and they said I could, and with the help of some friends and my MIL, I madly wrote my first 'real' application and sent it off that day. There was a long wait before I knew I had an interview, and another long wait before I knew I'd been successful, and weeks more before I was given a start date - early July - and I never wanted to get my hopes up in case the whole thing fell through, even though I was pretty sure I had it. Then I had to wait for my current boss to get home from a cold Scandinavian holiday so I could talk to her, now I can finally let people know that I'm on my way to a new career.
I'm happy; I'm nervous; I'm excited. This is it, this is my 'thing,' and it's not just theoretical and dreamed about anymore, it's the real deal. I'll get to spend all day at work surrounded by plants, talking about plants, looking after plants. Can't do much better than that; onwards and upwards!

[So is that Fate? Deciding it's time to change, and there is the change right there, ready and waiting for you? What do you think?]


  1. That's wonderful news, well done. I have a number of little 'fantasy' jobs that I suspect I'll never do, and working in a garden centre or nursery is one of them. I hope it goes really well for you.

  2. Katie, that is FANTASTIC News!! I am so happy for you. Congratulations, good luck and I look forward to reading all about it in the future!!

    And yes, that IS fate! It was meant to be!! :)

  3. Wonderful news and wow on the timing.
    I hope it is the change you in direction and the turning point you have been waiting for.
    Destiny sounds better than fate.

    (here returning a visit via the rewind but I couldn't find the post)

    I love native gardens

  4. Congratulation. Great that you get to work with things that you are passionate about.

  5. Sometimes, on sunny days, I look out the window and fantasise about a job like yours! YOU LUCKY DUCK!!!!
    All the best as you shift over to a new career!
