
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We'll still have to go to the Green Grocers for...

Rewinding this on July 1st 2011, not because it's a funny post, because, let's face it, I'm not a funny writer, but because quite often in this gardening gig you need to have a sense of humour or you'd give up completely.

We'll still have to go to the Green Grocers for...

... our sweet potato, because, clearly, I've not yet got the hang of growing it!

The sweet potato (kumara) in the background is one we bought from our friendly neighbourhood vegetable wholesaler this afternoon. It was an especially big one, granted. I weighed it and it was 1010 grams. Then I weighed our minute harvest, which is from two plants, and in total the weighed a mere 118 grams.
But nothing is wasted: I scrubbed them clean, and they were tossed whole into the pot with a free range chicken, some kipflers, a lemon and big slug of verjuice, and they tasted so good, so very, very good, that I really, really wished they had done a little better. They were so much brighter and deeper in colour than our bought whopper, and so much more intensely flavoured.
I think the lesson here is that next time, I should do a little more reading and preparation before I plant them, rather than just chucking them in the ground and hoping for the best!


  1. Nothing taste better than home-grown. I think you had a very enjoyable meal with your home-grown compared to the store ones:). I harvested our white sweet potato this weekend and your harvest look much much better.

  2. I'll have to try sweet potatoes some time - I've only ever had a go at normal potatoes. Everything tastes much better fresh out of the ground :)

  3. I think when I started, I cut the end off a kumera and let it dry out. I think I left it to sprout, but can't quite remember -- either that or I planted it with the tip out of the soil. The thing is now rampant...

  4. Oh I love home grown, only problem is my brown thumb!

    We do have a chilli plant that is nearly 6 months old and still alive, that's a record at our house!

    Good Work for getting them this far a small crop is better than no crop!

    Stopping by from the Weekend Rewind at the Fibro.

  5. PMSL. It looks like a mama pig with piglets. But I knew those piglets would taste better. Home grown always does. And you know my track record with vegies... Let's just say I tend to grow the babies rather than the mamas too.

    Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro.
