
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Catch up

Has it really been a week since I last posted? Is it because I've been pottering out in the Spring garden? Alas, no! It's been a non-stop kind of week with a family wedding and all the running about that comes with that, then lots more work than usual at the nursery, and tomorrow off to the Royal Show to look at chickens (bok bok bokurk!). I haven't been able to do any planting at all, but I have, of course, managed to buy a number of plants which I have waiting patiently to be put in the ground or pots.I have a heap of baby natives, and some roses, and all those seeds I planted are coming along nicely (except for the ones the bloody currawongs pecked at; if it's not the toddler destroying my plants, it's birds!) But I'll show you all that later in the week.

So even though I've not been about to be in the garden, my mind has been very much on it. I've only just discovered Pinterest (yes, slow, I know!) and since I can't put up a blog post without pictures, I'll share a few of my new gardening favourites with you.

Current garden obsessions include:
Trellis and arbours;

(from Ewa in the Garden)

(from Apartment Therepy)

(from Apartment Therepy)

(from Three Pixie Lane)

Colour in the garden;

(from No End to Gardens)

and planted walls and stairs.


(from HGTV)

(no link, sorry! Pinned from a pin from a pin with no reference, but isn't it nice?!)

I'd like to try some of these ideas soon. I think I need to find myself a willow tree to pinch branches from...

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