
Thursday, October 13, 2011

My new toy

So this is a bit of a silly post today. I have a new toy and I am trying to learn how to use it! It's a tablet of the android variety and as I am coming from a strictly PC background I am on a steep learning curve right now! I would like to have full command of this thing before we go away next week so we can take full advantage of it.
Speaking of which, would you like to know where we are going this time? We are off to Singapore first for four nights. We plan to visit their fabulous zoo and the Botanic gardens, and eat our way around that steamy city. Then we are going to Bali -Indonesia is our last remaining great south east Asian unknown - to meet up with family. There, we will do some more eating, and mosey our way around this most famous - or infamous - island looking at beaches, temples, palaces, rice paddies and so on. The usual, in other words. We have 12 nights in Bali in total. After that we are off to Thailand, to Chaing Mai province and Thaton as usual, to visit Susan and Yuki and the menagerie. We have 11 nights, I think, in Thailand. And finally on around the 27th day we will be heading homewards, back to hot and dry South Australia, where I'm hoping the veggie patch will be burgeoning and overflowing and not too frizzled.
To celebrate successfully working out how to blog on an app, and take a photo with the tablet and upload it and everything else, here's a picture of a vase of flowers from MIL's garden: early sunny yellow roses and crisp white bundles of 'snowballs'.
Let's see if this will work...


  1. have a wonderful trip...again!

  2. How nice - a new toy. You will love it as much as I love mine! And have a great trip.

  3. Thanks guys :) It will be a bit of a last-hurrah trip, I can't see us getting away again for quite a few more years. Still, looking forward to it!

  4. Have a lovely holiday!
    Looking fwd to your pics!
