
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Two parter

Tonight's post has two halves which have absolutely nothing to do with each other :)

First up? I have become a bit obsessed with these:

Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Oh yes. Teepees! Specifically, cute little fabric indoor teepees for kids. I am on a mission to make one for SP. I bought four 1.8m wooden dowels the other day, and today I had a whole entire afternoon to myself to go shopping in the city and I got some fabric to make the outside of the teepee with. I've decided on a bit of a retro, green theme.

I apologise for the crappy photos, this seems to be becoming a recurring Saturday night theme (uploading bad photos, that is). So tonight I have put my dowels together in a teepee shape and measured the triangles and have drawn up a wee diagram. I'd love to get cutting and sewing tonight too, except my sewing machine is all packed away and it's 11:48pm and I'm off to a friend's wedding tomorrow, so I think just this once I shall have to be sensible and put the scissors and thread away for now. I am looking forward to working on my project during the week, though, I haven't really done anything creative in aaaages.

And now, for part two, and what else would I talk about on a Saturday night other than...wait for it... mushrooms! How cool is this?!

One week ago:

Two days ago:


Looks like it's the Portabello half which started before the white half. Chef D will be pretty happy about that; it's the brown Portabellos which he prefers. I think we might be picking the first of our mushroom in just a couple more days.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Teepee idea and I'm impressed by you making it. I would see it, think cool, look at the price tag, sigh and walk off....meanwhile the sewing machine sits unused and lonely in a corner....
