
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dumb gardening decisions

We all learn by making mistakes, when we do the wrong thing and think, 'oops, won't do that again!' But the problem with making gardening mistakes is that you might be stuck with them for a long time, perhaps forever.
So here's one of mine: thinking that since I've never managed to grow mint particularly well in a pot I'd put some in my boggy spot in the front garden. Even though I knew it could be (is) a weed. And what do you know? It's taken off. In the space of six months it's become quite enormous and is sending new shoots out and rapidly colonising the front garden at an alarming rate. I used to think you could never have enough mint in the garden, but I might have to eat my words (literally).
So, fess up, what are some mistakes you've made in your patch?


  1. Where do i of the first was using pasture hay as mulch over my entire garden including the veggie
    patch.......spent the next year digging out all the weeds!!planting fruit trees to close,the list goes on...but the most annoying was my first ever crop of garlic after i pulled it all up i didn't let it dry enough and the whole lot (over 100 bulbs) went mouldy ERKKKK (never again)

  2. Horseradish - planted it direct into the ground and much like your mint it tried to colonise the whole area. I'm still trying to get rid of it.

  3. Ha! I've always had my mint in a pot too. But recently it hadn't been going too well and I put it in the garden. Knowing full well that it's not advised. But unlike you mine has still failed to thrive.

    Don't get me started on garden mistakes, I have too many.

  4. Eek, I've planted horseradish in the garden too! Last year it looked so pathetic I left it and it's much more lush this season, uh oh....
