
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Progress report - Also Winter Wednesday

The weather has hit with a vengeance over the last few days. We had a few tricksy, balmy days last week. It was 20c, and wonderful, but it seems like Winter is making up for it twofold this week. On Monday it hailed so much that it lay about like snow in drifts and a heap of people had slidey accidents on the freeway. Today the wind is literally howling around the hills; the sound is quite eerie. And it's pouring down right now. I'm watching MIL's gardener through the window; he's pruning the roses and I feel quite badly for him! We took him a cup of tea though, and right now at least he's able to work under the shelter of the veranda. Not that it's offering much protection right now as the rain is blowing in sideways.

Over the fine days FIL was able to make a lot of progress on our extension. Check it out! The recycled wood is the darker stuff underneath the pine on top. It's ready for the walls to go on top of it now I think, next week. FIL will have a friend to help then too, which will be good. We worry a little about him working out there alone. He's also ticked off another important thing and found a plumber to do all the water and gas work.

Here's our site inspector making sure the wood was suitable.

Last night I dreamt that the floor was entirely finished and was polished concrete, but there weren't any walls yet, and then I walked across this floor and into the old house without even noticing the addition until FIL pointed it out to me. Clearly, my head was abuzz with it!

A little edit: I'm going to use this as part of the Winter Wednesday Series, not just because I'm disorganised this week ~ahem~ but also because of the beautiful blue sky in the background of that first photo. We are so lucky here.

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