
Friday, July 8, 2011

Who is Mogens Hansen?

SP and I drove around half of Adelaide today, indulging my love of window-shopping, this time for secondhand furniture. I won't bore you with all the ins and outs of what I love, I'll just sum up with, 'I have discovered Danish Mid-Century Modern furniture.' If you don't know what I mean, just plug that into Google Images and you'll see thousands of images of the things I mean. Specifically, I have a bee in my bonnet about finding a sofa for when our house is finished. There is a strip of funky shops on Magill Road (for those in Adelaide) which is good to have a look in (got to love an enclave where all you want to see is in the space of about 200m), and I found a couch I liked, alas, it was sold. (Pic from the shop website, for Adelaidians.)

Here's where I get confused, because I thought that was a design from the well-known Danish designer, Borge Morgensen, except it was listed as being by someone called 'Mogens Hansen,' whom I've never heard of, and who Wikipedia tells me is a 'classical philologist' (I had to Wiki that too, it's 'the study of so-called "classical" Indo-European language system'), and not a furniture designer at all, unless he moonlights as one but considering he was born in 1940 he would have been a teenager or younger when he designed this sofa. Long story short, I still like the sofa but I'm suspicious of it's provenance, and since it's been sold this is all a bit irrelevant, really!

And I also saw something today, something very retro and industrial and wonderful. I hummed and haahed over this item, then went away and thought about it some more, and considered going back for it before I decided I'd better consult D before I spent any money on something so impractical. But I wish I'd bought it on the spot. So we're going back tomorrow morning, and I'm hoping it doesn't get snapped up by some like-minded soul before then. Boy, will I regret hestitating if it's gone! It seized my attention and has fired my imagination. So, what is it? Well, I'm not telling yet, you'll have to wait and see.

(Image from here)

[Too many non-gardening posts recently, so the next one will be for we green-fingers, promise. It will involve strawberries.)

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