Thursday, September 25, 2014

Incomparable Sophy's Rose

Funny to think I only bought my first Sophy's Rose (David Austin) because it was on special and I can't resist a bargain. Not a single visible aphid ever, no black spot, no rust, blooms right through our stinking hot summers almost without pause, and now the first to bloom in the season, weeks ahead of the rest. Such a sweet, tireless and bright little charmer, it is! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Not Organic

I would like to be able to say my garden is organic, but it isn't. There's only so many times you can plant out pumpkins, only to have them eaten (snails, slugs and earwigs laughing at my organic baits and traps), before I ring my seedlings with a protective perimeter of snail-bait. This year's first round of pumpkins are 'Golden Nugget' (four seedlings thereof, in between the lemon and the apricot tree). I have never had much luck with pumpkins in general, so let's see how this early, inorganic planting goes. 

In other news, just as the fruit trees start blooming their heads off, the spring storms roar through with their ferocious winds. Like every year. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

More bargains

Home, the buzz and zip of spring, and the lure of the clearance section of the local big box hardware store tempts me to some lovely bargains. Such hope! Such promise! Two x $1.99 standard roses (down from $24.95). What variety? No idea: no tags, but for that price I'll definitely take a risk (I'm hoping for a yellow or buff, but will be content with anything except bright orange). I also found a 'Valley Red' super dwarf peach ($15 at half price). Self-pollinating, and high chill, so it may or may not do well up here, fingers crossed it loves my yard.