Thursday, November 18, 2010

Photo update

Yesterday I promised progress shots of the garden, and today here they are.
First up: the extended vegetable garden. Those red frames along the fence are the old front gate which we found behind the shed. D would like to put them back up, but for now they're support for some beans, which I hope will sprout shortly.

And while I'm here, I must show you the roses. Ironically, the best photo I have of them is from my mobile phone, snapped out of the window of the car as we left the driveway the other day!

They're like a sea of white petals. Very pretty.

Though I think the prettiest part is below our bedroom window.

The very decrepit rose by the letterbox, which I cut back hard and hoped for the best, is blooming like a trooper with the most lovely red blooms. Underneath are my nature-strip nasturtiums, and some pink snapdragons.

What's up next? A hedge of Hidcote lavender along the fence. The black weedmat is peeled back, the ground dug over, manure and blood and bone are added, and the plants are bought. All I need to do is get them in the ground.

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