Wednesday, October 28, 2015

One off the wish list...

Daydreaming on the rattle and rustle of giant bamboo... Don't have the room, of course, I have been eyeing off clumping bamboos for some time but have not been able to stomach the price. So, when I stumbled across some cheap tubes of Fargesia nitida 'Fountain' the other day I decided to take a risk with the wee babies. Including post these average about $10 each. They've already been shifted into some 32cm pots and left in part-shade to grow on. It's likely they'll stay potted up for a long time. I'm hoping they'll produce canes of a useable size eventually (they should grow to 2-4m tall) and I'll never need to buy plastic-bagged bamboo from Bunnos for the garden ever again. Fingers crossed?!

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