Today I was helping out with the fundraising sausage sizzle for my ABA group. It was held out the front of a certain enormous hardware store. Both store and weekend sausage sizzle are likely to be familiar to most urban dwelling Australians, and SIL, BIL and I landed the lunchtime rush shift. Once we'd handed over the tongs and cash box to the next shift, we went off for a 'browse.' They headed off for the hardware, and I hot-footed it straight out to the nursery section and quickly found myself a box of green goodies.
Now, there's this range of plants labelled 'Flying Start,' which are a mere $3 each. They tend to vary a bit with what's available when, or where, and I still regret not buying more grey-leaved ground cover-type salvias when I saw them at my local because I've never seen them since. However, I was absolutely thrilled to see that this time there were Lomandras (L. longifolia) for sale, so I snapped up all five available pots. Lomandras are native to Australia, although not my area. Some quick reading tells me that the 'Loma-' in Lomandra means 'edge' or 'border,' and while that's actually referring to the flowers I think it's perfect because edges and borders are precisely what I'm using these grasses for.
Here's a shot of the next section of garden which is getting some action. I took this photo a few weeks ago when we were getting our concrete delivery, but you can still get an idea of what's going on. In it, I've started peeling back the black weed mat and removing the blindingly white gravel. At the very bottom of the photo is where I planted my little persimmon tree. I intend to plant my Lomandra border along the edge of this garden bed (to the right, by the driveway).
There were only five pots of the Lomandra available, and I don't know how many I actually need but I dare say it's more than five. I think I might be able to divide even these little pots quite easily, because there is quite a bit of 'space' between the separate plantlets in the pot. Fingers crossed! I've never tried to divide a plant before.
Of course, grasses are not all I came away with for the garden. I also got a little Snow-in-Summer (Cerastium), two thymes (Lemon - one of my all-time favourites - and silver posie), and a Hibbertia (Guinea flower, another native). These are all ground covers; I am intent on filling in the space in the front garden with ground covers. On my list of 'things to do' is to create a proper plan for the front garden as I have done with the back.
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