OK, that's a bit silly! That is a pot of Lomandra, variety Chewton Grey. I bought two big pots of it with hopes of dividing it up to make lots of little Lomandras to make a border along the front path leading to the front door. I also caved in and bought a Kangaroo Paw (Firelight).
Today the battery went flat on my good camera so I used our little compact instead. I'm glad to have it, but the photos are a lot more hit and miss than I am used to!
This is the obligatory 'before shot' of the front path (with SP enjoying her lunch in the background). I am standing with my back to the gate.
A few of the plants alongside the path needed to be relocated. It's not the best time to be digging up bulbs, after they have begun to sprout, but it had to be done. I've moved them to under a nearby rosebush. Incidentally, I planted about half a dozen of the bluebells last year, and today I found that they have increased to well over 20 bulbs.
If you look left from the same position you can see where I've peeled back the gravel for my lavender hedge (I know, I know, looks dreadful! I am getting rid of the gravel, I promise. It's just taken me a lot longer than I intended...) The Lavender hedge (Hidcote) was planted from plants in punnets in November last year. It hasn't grown very much yet!
Then I got cutting. This was quickly followed by me thinking oh my God: what have I done?! Oh boy. It was a lot harder to cut them apart than I thought it would be! I grit my teeth and powered on, with the aid of my secateurs, and crossed my fingers that I hadn't made a complete hash of it.
Now, I knew I needed to get 12 plants out of my two pots to do the entire path, but I chickened out and did nine instead. I just couldn't bring myself to cut them apart any more, fearful I would kill the lot! This meant I didn't get quite the entire way along the path. I'm going to have to go back to the nursery and get another pot to fill in the gap at the end. The right hand side of the path will be done later in the year. That part is going to be a whole new garden bed.
Obligatory after shot!
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