Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dust and dust and dust

'"How do you know that the sky is falling, Chicken Little?" asked Henny Penny.
"I saw it with my eyes, I heard it with my ears, and a bit of it fell on my head," said Chicken Little.' (source

The old roof insulation is OUT! A messy, dirty, dusty job, which I was glad to leave to the boys. 
It gave our house a weird, other-world quality, light streaming in silver and shiny to our bedroom. Did we really sleep in here a mere fortnight ago?


The dust in the sunlight sparked and glittered like fairy dust. 

SP and I inspected the damage (sorry, 'progress') half way through,


and then left the boys to continue on,


(we left the cleanup to them too)

 Our Site Supervisor deemed it a job well done.

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